Board of Education
Our School board is made up of some very dedicated people.
Their big smiles reveal big hearts and the deep satisfaction that comes with commitment to the betterment of others. All of them have many years' experience with the school, and they all work hard behind the scenes to make things as good as it can be for the children, here and wherever they go. They provide the stability and leadership to keep our local school strong and healthy. The list of their public and private service and donations is lengthy and heartwarming. Please forgive any omissions, as there are so many it is bigger than any newsletter.
Tommie Lou McKown, School Board President. She graduated here as did all of her family. Her family was here when the first Missouri City School was built in 1854. Her son John graduated here, and is now married to our school secretary, Teresa McKown. Their son Danny has been a Panther for 8 years now.
Laura Miller, School Board Treasurer, whose four children graduated here, Matt, Alfred, Janet, and Teresa. Her many grandchildren that have gone here have kept her active in of all school activities. Her last grandson Charlie, 12th will graduate in May 2025. She attends all the activities, rain or snow. She has served as volunteer aide in the classroom, and donated books to our library and classrooms.
Joe Selle graduated here in 1978. His daughter, Mikayla, graduated from Excelsior Springs High School. Joe recently celebrated over 25 years of the famous Selle Brothers band. They opened once for Merle Haggard. Joe's dad, Butch, was the school bus driver and, custodian and was always working hard to make the school look good. His mom is on the front row. Joe is also on the City Council of Missouri City. He has driven the snow plow and keeps the school lot clear.
Teresa McKown is the School Board Secretary for 5 years, now. She does a wonderful job of taking care of the business and Board aspects of the school and works hard to keep us in the black with a healthy fund balance.
Sue Selle, Vice President, was elected to the School Board in 1977. She resigned for a while to take a position as special service teacher aide. but has been back on the Board for many years. Sue is a consummate volunteer, and is always ready to help others. She had been the cheerleader sponsor for many years, and is active in the local Baptist Church and their youth activities. She and her husband Butch had four children, John (the other half of the Selle Brothers Band), Lisa, Joe, and Shelly. There is not a kinder, gentler spirit walking, and she would help anyone at any time. She embodies the kindness that permeates this Board.
Monte Railey has been on the board for 3 years. He has been a long time resident in Missouri City and a wonderful supporter of the school. He worked many jobs for us to help out and now is a great asset to our board.
We have two new members Angie Rast and Jamie Woolery. They both joined us this last fall to fill open positions. Angie's son, Brooks, is in 5th grade and Jamie's step son, Hunter is also in 5th grade.
We are extremely lucky to have both of them join us in making out committee great.
Thank you, one and all, for your intelligent, caring and committed service to Missouri City School.
- P6110 Curriculum Development
- P6111 Curriculum Planning
- P6112 Curriculum Research
- P6113 Curriculum Design
- P6114 Curriculum Adoption
- P6115 ST Mandate Am Hist
- P6116 ST Mandate Human Sexuality
- P6120 Curriculum Guides
- P6130 Drug Education
- P6140 Service for Students w disabilities
- P6150 Curriculum for At Risk Students
- P6160 Curriculum for Gift & Tal Students
- P6170 Early Childhood Education
- P6180 ELL
- P6190 Virtual Instruction Program
- P6210 Instructional Time
- P6220 Student Teachers & Interns
- P6230 Textbook Selection and Adoption
- P6231 Textbook Usage-Students
- P6240 Instructional Materials
- P6241 Challenged Materials
- P6242 Religious or Controversial Issues
- P6243 Copyrighted Materials
- P6250 Instruction for Students w Diabilities
- P6255 IEE for Disabled Students under IDEA
- P6260 Educational Surrogate
- P6270 Instruction for At Risk Students
- P6271 Instruction for Gift & Tal Students
- P6272 Instruction for Pre School Students
- P6273 Instruction for Homeless Students
- P6274 Instruction for Migrant Students
- P6275 Instruction for Homebound Students
- P6280 Vocational & Tech Education
- P6310 School Libraries
- P6320 Intenet Safety Policy
- P6410 Evaluation of Instructional Prog
- P6420 Test Security
- P6440 Statewide Assessments
- P6450 Assignment of Grade
- P6510 Instruction for Adults
- P6531 Records Retention-Destruction